Logo & Branding Design

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.
Brand vision.
You'll never fulfil your destiny, till you know your identity.
A creative male artwork designer drawing a company logo on an iPad.
You create a credible brand by staying true to who you are.
Define your tone of voice.
Be a game changer. The world has enough followers.
Who is your target market.
Don't wear a brand. Be a brand.
Start your brand journey.

Logo and brand design is the DNA of your business. It’s the thing that tells your clients or customers who you are and what your about. In many ways what they can expect from you.

Sharing your brand story and using your brand messaging through design. Is how you can create that feeling and vibe to help you develop and form brand loyalty, brand identity and trust.

logo design bedfordshire.

How do you want people to feel when they view your logo and read about your brand and learn about your story?

Create an authentic style with us throughout your brand ethos. Developing a culture that allows people to build trust in you, forming a loyalty for long term brand love. We layout these foundations out from the start.

Design4U Online approach is to connect with people's feelings and how you want people to feel. Making your branding visually appealing. Endorsing your core brand values throughout.

Logo & Branding
Design Deliverables

  • Vision board
  • Primary logo
  • Secondary logo
  • Colour palette
  • Brand marks
  • Brand patterns
  • Typography pairings
  • Brand guidelines

"Establish a brand new voice and style, with us. Aligned with your brand values and beliefs."


Social Media

Create great content for social media and build brand love.
Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.
Don't use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.

"Good content always has an objective. Creativity never goes out of style."

Create unique fresh posts for social media.

Social media design is an essential way for companies to reach consumers. It tells those consumers that their brand is active and focused on communication.

By being present on social media platforms. You give your brand an opportunity to be discovered by your future customers.

A successful social media strategy can be a pretty powerful thing for your business. It can help you drive traffic to your website. Land clients and customers, and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

We can create content that will attract the right audience. Increase brand awareness and generate engagement.

Social Media
Design Deliverables

  • Highlight icons
  • Infographics
  • Banners
  • Monthly content


Design for Print

Make an impression with design for print.
When you can do a common thing in an uncommon way; you will command the attention of the world.
Marketing is a game of perception.

Build your brand with print media, with impactful design that showcases your message.

Communicate your message through design for print. Creating bespoke designs that look effortless and exude everything your business stands for.

A tangible asset such as a brochure, leaflet or prospectus. Is still very much the go-to marketing method. Even in this evolving digital age, and can have an enduring impact.

Well designed marketing materials and publications generate consumer engagement. They are the difference between your message or campaign being memorable.

We can provide design for all types of marketing and advertising materials.

"Visual communication is the only language that does not need to be translated."

A closeup view of a hand holding a stylus pen, drawing on a graphic tablet.

We are happy to work on an existing brand and produce print materials. That are inline with that. We can also start with a fresh slate and begin to develop a recognisable brand through printed pieces. Either way you can be sure of our attention to detail, and our willingness to produce designs that best represent your business.

Design for
Print Deliverables

  • Branded stationery
  • Brochures
  • leaflets/posters/flyers
  • Certificates
  • Price lists
  • Invitations
  • Order of service
  • Stickers and more...



Drive traffic.Engage visitors and generate marketing qualified leads.
Imagination is the beginning of creation.
Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.

Building websites on HubSpot CMS.

To ensure your website project is covered from all angles, we work independently alongside Project36. We build lead-generating websites that help you drive traffic. Engage visitors and generate marketing qualified leads. We do this on the HubSpot CMS platform. HubSpot is a world-leading marketing automation and sales platform. At the centre of this sits the HubSpot CRM platform where all of your customer data sits. HubSpot CRM is 100% free.

Bolting into this ecosystem is HubSpot CMS. The ultimate control platform for your website. It is on this platform that we can build your website. Already got HubSpot CMS? No problem, we can migrate or build upon your current website. Not got HubSpot CMS but would like to? Just shout - we can set you up a demo and walk you through your options.

"Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting."


Packaging Design

Build brand love.
Packaging can be theatre, it can create a story.
Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.
The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.

Display your brand's personality. With bespoke packaging design.

Packaging has to be effective. It should be on brand and consistent with other products in your brand family.

Our main aim is to develop eye-catching packaging. That connects your products to consumers. Showcasing your brand's personality. Engaging with your consumers with clear, well-formatted copy. That tells your brand story.

Packaging Design

  • Retail
  • Label Design
  • Direct Mail

"Good packaging protects your product, great packaging protects your brand."

Custom Design Enquiry

Are you after something particular? And you haven't seen what your looking for. Please get in touch, and we can discuss exactly what you're looking for and we can then tailor a quote just for you.

Let's Get Creative!

Profile image of Martin Cawthorne.

Martin Cawthorne
Brand Designer / Owner

Dare to dream BIG

If you'd like to discuss a potential project idea. Complete the project enquiry form linked below to kick things off!